Tag: Jargon

0. Philosophical Comp Sci Jargon

The current status quo for society and its many faces are simply weird. There now exist micro-variables that determine the state of the aggregate macro-structure. To focus on the state, the structure or the quanta is to shift focus from an entity to an observer. In classical and quantum physics, obs...

How Crypto Jargon Dupes You Into Its Casino

Ifthere’s one thing you’ll quickly notice when engaging with the crypto true believers, their language is dripping in a thick impenetrable slurry of invented words and cliches that they effortlessly code-switch while confused onlookers gaze on in confusion and disbelief. Unlike your usua...

Can We Drop the Workplace Jargon in 2024 Please?

I write this piece following an agile huddle to determine the best fit with my strategic objectives for the day. No of course I don’t. I write this having asked myself in the shower what I feel like writing about this morning. Just as most of us for most of the time at work think about what...

Energy Healing: What Does All The Jargon Mean?

It’s the prime time of summer, and if you believe what you see on social media, everyone is outside, living their best life without a care in the world. My life, while I love it, is more up/down/sideways than a steady stream of blissed-out perfection. My guess is you’re over there saying...