Tag: Islams

Surah Al Waqiah — Faiz e Islam

Among the 114 surahs in Holy Quran, Surah Waqiah is the 56th surah of the Quran that was revealed in Makkah 7 years before the Hijrah. It comprises 96 verses and is located in the 27th para. The word Waqiah means ‘an event.’ The main explanation of this chapter is the afterl...

Islam’s Perspective on Celebrating Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and other Holidays

Every year, as the holidays approach, the topic of celebrations ironically becomes a central point of arguments and frustration in many Muslim-American households. Often times, there seems to be a generational divide. It’s not uncommon to see the elders of the family arguing that all&n...

Islam’s Perspective on Astral Projection

In my and most people understanding that astral projection is an intentional experience in which a person has the feeling that their astral body (spiritual being) is temporarily separated from their physical body. I’ve recently been researching astral projection and out-of-body experiences ...