Tag: IPv4

Validating IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses with Ease — Unveiling the Power of Validation in JavaScript

In this article, we will embark on an enlightening journey to solve an intriguing problem using JavaScript. Our goal is to validate whether a given string represents a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. Address validation is essential in networking and security applications to ensure the correct format of ...

Stop Paying $3.75 Per Month for a Public IPv4 Address on AWS (Starting Feb 1, 2024)

As you would have read in AWS News Blog, starting February 1, 2024, there’s a new charge for public IPv4 addresses. Now, every public IPv4 address will come with a price tag of $0.005 per IP per hour or $3.75 per month or $45 per year. And yes, that applies whether the address is attached...