Tag: Invasion

The Invasion: Part 1 by Juan G-C

This story is about the most famous person on planet Linen Sausage — Pablito. He was the president. He could not go a millimetre out of his house without someone asking for a selfie. He was famous all over the planet, but all the other planets that knew about him absolutely HATED him. That is ...

The Invasion: Part 1 by Juan G-C

This story is about the most famous person on planet Linen Sausage — Pablito. He was the president. He could not go a millimetre out of his house without someone asking for a selfie. He was famous all over the planet, but all the other planets that knew about him absolutely HATED him. That is ...

The Great Canadian Piggle Invasion

How do you solve a problem about an invasive species that has a high reproductive rate, is highly adaptable, capable of surviving any climate, and will eat anything? When I heard of the impending northern invasion of piggles, this was my first thought. Photo by Christopher Carson&nbsp...

The new Islamic invasion of Europe and Western countries!

The first beneficiaries of what is happening in France & Sweden and the campaign of hatred against which the two countries are subjected are the European countries themselves and all Western countries, not to mention even all of humanity. YES! What happened is a “Scream” from the ...

The Reason: The Mystery At The Heart Of Putin’s Invasion

Two years ago today, the Kremlin started a war for which it was neither mentally nor militarily prepared. Why did it do that? how did the idea of violently carving out a Greater Russia, backed up by mystical Orthodox nationalism, travel from the marginal fringes of Russian politics to become offi...

1797: The Last Invasion of Britain

Gazing out across the calm Irish Sea from this stunning Celtic coastline, it’s difficult to imagine a French invasion force landing here, with plans to incite a British revolution. Thirty meters below me the waves lap gently against the rocky shoreline, a light, salty breeze caresses my fac...