Tag: Introvert

Growing up Introvert amongst Extroverts

Looking back at myself as a kid, mostly through stories I’ve been told by family members, there’s no question in my mind why I am the way I am today. It’s pretty obvious to me that I have always been an introvert. Well, it wasn’t obvious to them. They couldn’t understa...

My Introvert and Extrovert Need A Divorce That They Can Never Have

I am both an introvert and an extrovert. I don’t think this is so unusual. We probably all have intro and extro versions of ourselves. It’s kind of like masculinity and femininity but with less chance of offending everyone. The issue for me is that my Intro and Extr...

All by myself: Where to Get Coffee as an Introvert in Prague

It seems illogical that an introvert should love going out. And yet we do. However, we often go out for reasons contrary to why extrovert’s head to the nearest bar. It is not a journey to meet someone or get social, it is a time to engage in a solitary activity and dive into the inner world of...