Tag: Interstellar

Embarking on an Interstellar Journey

BLINNK and the Vacuum of Space is a game designed with a profound focus on accessibility for autistic players. This VR sci-fi adventure takes you on an intergalactic escapade with your trusty robot companion, BLINNK. A Universe Tailored for All A Game for Autistic Players, by Autistic Desig...

Embarking on an Interstellar Journey

BLINNK and the Vacuum of Space is a game designed with a profound focus on accessibility for autistic players. This VR sci-fi adventure takes you on an intergalactic escapade with your trusty robot companion, BLINNK. A Universe Tailored for All A Game for Autistic Players, by Autistic Desig...

Are We “Sentinelese” on Island Earth in the Ocean of Interstellar Space?

India forbids visits to the island and the Sentinelese resist attempts for contact by outsiders. In 2004, the major Aceh-Andaman Earthquake generated a devastating tsunami that uplifted the island. The Indian Coast Guard flew a reconnaissance mission to the island and the Sentinelese emerged from th...

Did Scientists Just Uncover the First Interstellar Samples?

The petri dish warmed the tip of fingers. With my eyes glued to the microscope, I rotated it a few degrees to the left, revealing another section of sand-like particles to sift through. I was searching for metallic spheres that were smaller in width than a strand of hair — their possible origi...

Interstellar Affairs Are Not the Pentagon’s Day Job

Today, the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) at the Pentagon announced a new reporting mechanism for current and former military members, federal employees and contractors to come forward with direct knowledge of unidentified anomalous phenomena dating back to 1945. This would he...

Did Scientists Just Uncover the First Interstellar Samples?

The petri dish warmed the tip of fingers. With my eyes glued to the microscope, I rotated it a few degrees to the left, revealing another section of sand-like particles to sift through. I was searching for metallic spheres that were smaller in width than a strand of hair — their possible origi...

Physicist Claims Sagrada Familia Is a Portal to Interstellar Space

The mathematical physicist Eric Weinstein was scheduled to speak. He’s famous for, among other things, positing a new “theory of everything” with the goal of turning mainstream physics on its head, the way Einstein once did to Newtonian physics. That will be important to know once ...

Interstellar Traveler Oumuamua Mystery Solved

2017 interstellar asteroid Oumuamua, which means “a messenger from afar arriving first”, made big headlines because its trajectory “violated gravitational laws”. Oumuamua on its way out of Solar system had a higher-than-expected velocity, and its trajectory shifted outside of...

Explaining Interstellar like you’re a 5-year-old

Cooper is a former astronaut turned farmer on a dying planet Earth that is affected by a disease called blight sometime in the distant future (technically, the movie starts out in the year 2067). Blight kills almost all the food crops except corn, but soon will also kill corn, meaning that the ...

Seeking the Second Interstellar Meteor

While working on the first interstellar meteor IM1 detected by US Government satellites, I received generous support from the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House which reached out to the US Space Command, leading to an official confirmation letter on the interstellar...

The Interstellar Real Estate Industry

There is a lot of real estate on habitable exo-planets around other stars. Rather than compete for the limited territory on our rock, the Earth, we better explore new territories in interstellar space. Extending the footprint of our civilization from a single planet to interstellar scales is possibl...

What Lies Beyond: Exploring Interstellar Space

The scale of things is hard to grasp. The distance from Earth to the Moon — some four hundred thousand kilometers — is the shortest cosmic scale of any significance, but one that already stretches the imagination. The Apollo astronauts took three days to traverse that distance; a span th...

Interstellar Affairs Are Not the Pentagon’s Day Job

Today, the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) at the Pentagon announced a new reporting mechanism for current and former military members, federal employees and contractors to come forward with direct knowledge of unidentified anomalous phenomena dating back to 1945. This would he...

Interstellar Meteors from Disruption of Rocky Planets by Dwarf Stars

The most common stars possess about a tenth of the mass of the Sun. A good example is the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, located 4.25 light years away and having 0.12 solar masses. Three rocky planets were reported to orbit that star: Proxima b with about 1.3 Earth masses, Proxima c with rough...