Tag: Inspiration

Cracking Code Your Daily Dose of Inspiration to Master the Craft

Hey there, everyone who’s diving into the coding world!  Get ready to unlock your coding potential with this blog, your source of daily inspiration and guidance on the coding journey.  Imagine this: each day, you're adding a new brushstroke to your coding canvas. It's not ...

Today’s Trouble, Tomorrow’s Inspiration

An inspirational person is generally deemed as someone who serves as a source of motivation, guidance, and positive influence to others through their actions, words or accomplishments. We usually find that these individuals often possess qualities and characteristics that inspire and empower othe...

Kind Words (A Game that gave me inspiration to Write Again)

The constant busy schedule of work and lack of play, it is apparent that I will never get over this dilemma. Who am I? A slave to the machine, or a dreamer that will never embrace his destiny? Words jumble up in my head and my mind constantly goes blank, but I am not a quitter. I know what is at ...

Philanthropy by Inspiration

Half a year after completing my departmental service, I published the bestselling book Extraterrestrial in January 2021, concerning the anomalies of the first reported interstellar object, `Oumuamua. Within a few months, a flood of influential people and multi-billionaires showed up a...

A Journey from Podcast Inspiration to Real-Life Impact

Accepting the offer to be an interpreter brought me great joy. Despite my role as an interpreter, I am grateful to be part of a movement involving experts like Gita Syahrani. The event aims to showcase the sustainable development efforts in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, within the Lore ...

Stunning Sun Moon and Star Tattoo Inspiration

Expressing yourself through body art can be a powerful way to transfer your thoughts and emotions. Among the many options available, a tattoo of the sun, moon and star are beautiful and deeply meaningful. Sun and moon represent opposing forces that come together in perfect balance, remindi...