Tag: Injury

How I Fixed My Knee Injury in Time to Hike 2,450+ Miles This Summer

Inlate March 2017, my life excitement continued to grow to new extremes. In roughly 100 days, I would be leaving Los Angeles and my undesirable employment behind and disappearing out into the pristine wilderness of the Pacific Crest Trail. My girlfriend, Kait, and I had been planning this for months...

Is it a Heart Attack or a Snow-Shoveling Injury?

I was the doctor on call for my internal medicine practice one February week many years ago. It had been bitter cold, unusually snowy, and crazy busy. I got a page from a patient (we’ll call her Ms. Jones): “I’m sorry to bother you on a Sunday morning, but I’m having some ...

Mind-Blown: Long COVID Unveiled as Potential Brain Injury Culprit

HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE YOUR BRAIN’S STUCK IN A FOG after recovering from COVID? A whopping 46 percent of long-term COVID survivors report persistent brain fog, along with memory lapses and trouble focusing. Turns out, there’s a reason behind it — a recent study s...

The Role of a Miami Personal Injury Attorney in Your Journey

Introduction: In the wake of an accident or injury, navigating the legal landscape can be overwhelming. From understanding your rights to seeking fair compensation, the journey toward recovery can be fraught with challenges. This is where the expertise and guidance of a Miami Personal Injury...