Tag: Inflation

Can You Beat the Age of Inflation?

More and more conversations I have these days go like this. There we are, a group of friends. One says, “Man, times are tough. We’re really struggling these days.” Another one says, “We are too. What should we even do?” And a third one points at me and says, &...

Why we need an inflation tax

If you Google “inflation tax”, you will see a list of resources explaining how inflation acts as a kind of tax. Example of results for the search term “inflation tax”. What you won’t see are any mentions of ways to address inflation by taxing consumption. This...

Too Hot to Handle: Why Climate Change Means Inflation Won’t Boil Over

“The conventional tools of monetary policy, such as short-term interest rates, affect demand-side conditions by altering the costs of borrowing. These conventional tools are ineffective at controlling supply side-generated inflation. Unless we tackle climate change, prices won’t stabil...

Notes on Inflation and Price Controls

James K. Galbraith Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. In 2010, Prof. Galbraith was elected to the seat formerly held by Paul Samuelson at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Monetary Policy Inst...

Inflation — A Misnomer

Another important fact about “inflation” is how under-reported it is. Items can be added and removed, and their weight in the consumer basket adjusted at will to show an artificially lower number than what people experience. This not only serves to calm the public and investors by sendin...

Housing is about to drag inflation down.

In recent years, as I’ve closely followed economic trends, it’s become increasingly evident that inflation is a complex and multifaceted issue. The rise in the general price level of goods and services has been a significant concern globally, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pand...


Cosmic inflation is the state that preceded and set up the hot Big Bang. Here’s what the Universe was like during that time period. Our Universe today is full of matter and radiation, and can be observed by us through a variety of means. Atoms have clumped and clustered together due to bill...

What was it like when cosmic inflation occurred?

Our Universe today is full of matter and radiation, and can be observed by us through a variety of means. Atoms have clumped and clustered together due to billions of years of gravitation. This has formed a great cosmic web on the largest scales, with clusters of galaxies, individual galaxies, cloud...

Cosmic inflation solves the ‘past hypothesis’ problem

Right now, at this very moment, the total amount of entropy contained within the observable Universe is greater than it’s ever been before. Tomorrow’s entropy will be even greater, while yesterday, the entropy wasn’t quite as great as it is today. With each passing moment, inevitab...