Tag: Increases

New Research: Flexibility Increases Employees’ Sense of Belonging

A new Ernst & Young survey found that there is a link between flexibility and belonging for global workers. This is important in a continued tight labor market where we already know that a sense of belonging also increases retention, creativity and productivity. Yet, 75% of global resp...

How Stress Increases learning: Understanding the Dual-Edged Sword

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, is a fundamental aspect of our brain’s adaptability and learning capacity. While traditionally associated with growth and learning, neuroplasticity is also significantly influence...

The Impact of GlaxoSmithKline’s Price Increases for Benlysta on Pharmaceutical Innovation

The pharmaceutical industry has long argued that high drug prices are a good thing because the profits from these price hikes allow companies to spend more on research and development to discover and launch the cures of the future. To test the claim that higher drug prices drive innovation, we ga...

The Impact of AstraZeneca’s Price Increases for Lynparza on Pharmaceutical Innovation

The pharmaceutical industry has long argued that high drug prices are a good thing because the profits from these price hikes allow companies to spend more on research and development to discover and launch the cures of the future. To test the claim that higher drug prices drive innovation, we ga...

The Impact of Merck’s Price Increases for Keytruda on Pharmaceutical Innovation

The pharmaceutical industry has long argued that high drug prices are a good thing because the profits from these price hikes allow companies to spend more on research and development to discover and launch the cures of the future. To test the claim that higher drug prices drive innovation, we ga...