Tag: Impressions

First Impressions of Routine

Routine is an app that manages your tasks and your time. It is based on the famous GTD methodology and houses this in a beautiful desktop app, available on Mac and Windows. There is also a mobile app for iOS. I haven’t yet managed to find my ideal task and diary management syst...

macOS Sonoma — 1st impressions

macOS Sonoma became available for everybody last week — so I took the plunge and installed it in both my M2 MacBook Air and also the bread and butter machine — the machine I am working on right now — the M1 MacBook Pro. You know what they say — in for a penny, in...

My First Impressions of Ireland — Part 1

Going to Ireland made me realize I knew nothing about it other than some American stereotypes and Irish music I love. I decided to remain naive or simply have no expectations at all. My self-inflicted ignorance paid off beautifully as Ireland surprised my soul. The first stop was Dublin. Out...

Japan: First Impressions

We flew into Tokyo this morning, 5am local time. The flight was uneventful, unless you count being comfortable in economy an event. First off, it was less than half-full, so Yuanyuan and I got three seats for the two of us and spent the flight doing acroyoga, trying to find all the comfortable sl...