Tag: Implementing

The Importance of Security in Web Applications: Implementing a Rate Limiter

In today’s interconnected world, security has become a cornerstone of any successful web application. Whether you’re building a social media platform, an e-commerce website, or a productivity tool, security concerns cannot be an afterthought. One critical aspect of security that is often...

Implementing Parallax Carousel from SwiftUI to Jetpack Compose

As part of my daily routine, I often explore the latest developments on platforms like X and Medium. One morning, while scrolling through X, I stumbled upon a GitHub repository shared by KavSoft that immediately caught my attention. This project, hosted at KavSoft-Tutorials-iOS, showc...

Navigating the Challenges of Implementing the Autism Act 2009

For autistic adults, trying to secure support services can feel like navigating a maze filled with dead ends. The Autism Act 2009 was a beacon of light, promising a national strategy to guide local authorities in providing care. But over a decade later, families still find themselves lost, repeatedl...

Implementing Bloom Filters in Python and Understanding its error probability: A Step-by-Step Guide

Probability of False Positive and Relation among i, m, k Assumes a function that selects each array position with equal probability. Considering m is a number of bits in the array the probability of selecting a bit is 1/m. and the probability of not setting a bit is p = 1–1/m ...