Tag: Implement

How to Implement Domain-Driven Design Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

In today’s chapter of my Domain-Driven Design journey, I want to dive into how we structure our code. This topic holds a special place for me. You see, when code grows, it can easily become a jumbled mess, making it hard to read, tricky to manage, and tough for anyone to get their head around....

Implement Clean Architecture in Android

Software architecture defines a set of rules for writing software, which helps the developer to structure the code in a well-mannered way so that the software is reliable and scalable. It helps determine various qualities such as scalability, performance, security, code reduction, etc., and analy...

How to Natively Implement instanceOf in JavaScript

The instanceof operator tests to see if the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object. The return value is a boolean value. Interviewer: to write a fakeInstanceOf, you must meet the following test cases: function fakeInstance...

5 User-Friendly Books to Read And Implement

Books have always been my friend. It has given me direction, knowledge, and guidance on asking for help. I don’t believe books are the only way to get wisdom. Instead, books serve as a friendly-guides, directing you toward the individuals who can provide the specific help you need. Once ...

How to implement Firebase Firestore in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) with Compose-Multiplatform

A simple solution to use shared Kotlin code to develop an app for iOS and Android simultaneously, using compose-multiplatform. What made me share this post was that when I was learning Kotlin Multiplatform I found a problem. Firebase doesn’t have a library that supports Kotlin nati...