Tag: Immortal

Immortal Beauty: Botticelli’s Venus Trilogy

The brightest evening star currently making its appearance after sunset in the Northern hemisphere is the planet Venus, named after the Roman Goddess of Love. The most iconic image of Venus was painted by Sandro Botticelli 500 years ago, and after centuries of obscurity, it finally came to epitomise...

The Immortal Prague

It’s a chilly January morning. The old town square in Prague is quiet and peaceful. Soon, the tourists by the thousands will come shooting in the scene like blood from a needle. Truly, I am an infant again coming out of the womb. I’ve never seen Prague before or Europe and so this is my ...

Immortal Elixirs: From Mandrake to Modern Myth

…in fact most Egyptologists, seemed to be agreed that the magical substance from which the Egyptian elixir of life was made was the mandrake… The Babylonian poem of Gilgamesh represents one of the innumerable versions of the great theme which has engaged the attention of writers in ...