Tag: Idioms

9 Python Mistakes That Reveal You’re a Nooby!

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that has gained a lot of popularity among developers. Its simplicity, readability, and vast ecosystem of libraries make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced programmers. However, even the most seasoned Python developers can...

7 Best Idioms For Trust

English Idioms for Trust, expressions and proverbs are an important part of the English language, both spoken and written English are filled with them. For English Learners idioms are confusing to interpret, the reason being Idioms don’t make common sense. To learn the meanings and usage...

Colorful Idioms Deconstructed (CID)

I set out to paint the town red When someone stopped me. Warned me, grass is greener on the other side. I turned blue and cursed the person “You’re a yellow dirty fellow Who should be sitting on a buffalo.” Website

As sharp as a tack: show off your English skills with these idioms.

Idioms and idiomatic language should be part of your vocabulary to show off your language skills, but exam makers can use idioms to increase the difficulty of their tests as is the case for the final exams in English in the Netherlands. So, here’s a list of some of the most common English idio...

English Idioms with Etymology in Greek and Classical Mythology and Legends: the Frequency of Use and Use across Genres

Some linguists claim that Greek and classical myths and legends are relevant in the English language as a result of the frequent use of idioms derived from Greek and classical myths and legends. However, these claims are unfounded as there is no empirical data to support them. This paper aims to exp...

10 Common English Idioms and Phrases from TV Shows

English Idioms and Phrases in TV Shows In this article, we will highlight ten common English idioms and phrases in popular TV shows. First, we will define the idiom and the meaning of the expression. Then, we will show how it is used in the dialogue of each scene. Finally, after understanding ...

To Fall in the Trap! 10 French Idioms about Stupidity

Recently, I encountered a rude and incompetent sales clerk who refused to provide courteous assistance to a disabled relative of mine. When asked kindly for basic assistance, the sales clerk’s responses were nonchalant, defensive, and incorrect. This reminded me that as a whole on planet Ea...

Guess the Meaning of These 30 Bizarre French Idioms!

If these English idioms are merely expressions that cannot be understood from the meanings of their separate words, but must be learned as a whole, then what do idioms look like in other languages? What can we learn from them? To begin, here are 30 startlingly bizarre French idioms in no particul...