Tag: Horse

Grass Mud Horse: Profanity, Protest, and Pop Art

After Maorilyn Maoroe got biatchslaped by flying hotdogs in Mahler Gobi desert, Grass Mud Horse invites her for a beer pong game… is an artwork created in 2011 by Hong Kong-born, Chinese-American artist Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung. It’s an image crammed with coded meanings, socio-polit...

Are Horse Paintings Good for your Home?

What are the several kinds of horse painting? Should you buy a painting of a horse? Where should you display horse paintings and sculptures? You may have seen a lot of horse paintings, but have you ever wondered about or considered purchasing any? Are horse paintings suitable for homes? I&rsquo...

A Guide To Photo Finish Live Virtual Horse Racing

Hey horse racing fans! Welcome to our guide for Photo Finish Live virtual horse racing, the official game of the Kentucky Derby. We want your experience to be fun and successful so have put as much useful information into this guide as possible. The initial steps are to get you racing as quickl...

The Physicist Who Broke Horse Racing

Benter grew up in a Pittsburgh suburb and went on to study physics in college. Upon graduating, he left school and boarded a bus to play cards in Las Vegas after reading Beat the Dealer (the book credited as being the origin of card counting). A few years later, by 1980, he was working ...

Incitatus: Caligula’s Legendary Horse

When delving into the eccentricities of Roman emperors, Gaius Caligula stands out as one of the most infamous. Among his many eccentric acts, one story captures the imagination more than others: Caligula’s treatment of his favorite horse, Incitatus. This article will explore the tales surround...

Why The Trojan Horse Probably Wasn’t a Wooden Horse

We have been told an enormous lie for centuries and centuries, according to an Italian researcher. Have you ever heard of the Trojan Horse, the mythical trick which Odysseus had used to enter Troy? Well, it turns out that it wasn’t an actual wooden horse. Francesco Tiboni,&...

With the Recent Decline, Is There Still Culture in Horse Racing?

Horse racing is a sport that has been enjoyed by people all over the world for centuries. It is a sport that is steeped in tradition and culture, and there are many different markets and traditions associated with it. Traditions and Customs Some of the most common traditions and customs associ...