Tag: Hit

I Just Hit Level 40 In Life

Honestly, I’m relieved it’s over. This birthday loomed over me for months, like an ominous dark cloud I didn’t want to get closer to. I feel better now. Hitting a new decade does bring about reflection. I took stock of my life and thought through what I’ve learned and hope...

The Night the Storm Hit

When the morning tide came in you could tell it was going to be a big one. I live in Arverne, a neighborhood in the Rockaways, and in the morning when I was walking up Thursby Avenue I could already see the water coming in on that first tide. But no one was really panicking yet. We get flooding from...

Chapter 10: The day we hit the road

Our house is never cleaner than when we’re about to go away. In our dash to get out the door, T wonders out aloud whether it’s really worth washing the floor. “It’s disgusting,” I reply. “There’s Weetbix crusted on to it.” Everyone knows Weetbix is ...

Uncle Sam, Age 65, Raced Through 30 Years of His Life to Hit Retirement. He Got Lost

Uncle Sam isn’t a real Sam. Sam in Cantonese means 3. Uncle Sam is the 3rd brother in his family. We got acquainted when I was younger. Uncle Sam was my direct neighbor. He was a kind man. I played with his children, and our families had dinner(s) together after work. He would routi...