Tag: Hacker

Advanced Linux Commands for the Modern Hacker

Linux, the backbone of most modern servers and a favorite amongst the hacker community, offers a robust collection of commands that grant unparalleled access to a computer’s inner workings. Whether you’re a penetration tester, ethical hacker, or just a Linux enthusiast, understanding adv...

Solana Hacker House Melbourne’23

The Solana Hacker House in Melbourne was brought to you by, no points for guessing, Solana, in what was their 28th iteration (yes, it’s right,I went back and counted) and the first one in the land down under. A shout out to the Timber Yard for being an amazing venue fo...

Hacking the Hacker Exchange: 2.1 Tel Aviv

By the generosity of ThincLab, the University of Adelaide’s center of entrepreneurship, I was given a grant to travel to Tel Aviv, Israel as apart of a 8 person delegation run by the Hacker Exchange. The Hacker Exchange, a startup in itself, co-founded by 2 ambitious and incredibly energe...