Tag: Guy

Richard Hanania and the Reasonable White Guy Voice

What is left to say about Richard Hanania? The short version is that Hanania, an “enlightened centrist” pundit, was recently exposed by Christopher Mathias of the Huffington Post as a former white supremacist who had been a guiding voice in the formation of the alt-right under ...

A Really, Really, Ridiculously Good-Looking Guy Wanted to Date Me

Shortly before the beginning of my freshman year of college, I broke up with my high school sweetheart. I wanted to allow myself the whole “college experience” without being tied down. Thanks to a new social media website called “The Facebook” I knew there were a lot of cute ...

What to Expect When Dating a Guy from Boston

We’ll drop more F-bombs in one conversation than most people drop in their entire lives. In Boston, most guys have a unique talent of starting and finishing a sentence with the F word — I know, it’s mind boggling. Not to mention the more we drink, the higher our rate of F-bombs per...

The Homeless Guy on the Lawn

I first noticed the blue Tyvek tent while driving to work. It was tied to a sycamore tree outside our apartment, stretching from the sidewalk to the edge of our lawn. When I returned home, I saw the homeless man. He looked to be in his 30s, white, a bit pudgy. He was asleep, half in and half out of ...

A Halal Guy

As crowds march up and down 6th Avenue in the West Village, a man remains confined to the same rectangle, six days a week, from eleven a.m. to midnight. Boxed inside a halal cart, he is either cooking and taking orders or waiting and cleaning. Or chatting. The man takes small talk seriously, has mas...

A Gay Guy Knows When a Simple Look is Hiding Hate

For the past year, I’ve worn makeup on occasion when I’m going out — nothing too obvious or gaudy. I just want to even out my skin tone, make my eyes pop, that sort of thing. I don’t wear too much color on my face, though; I want it to look natural. I’ve never consid...

Why Women in their 30’s & 40’s Can’t Find A ‘Decent Guy’

It’s no secret that dating sucks. Women don’t just want a successful, kind, attractive and generous guy they want an intelligent guy, they want someone that sees beyond just their looks and sees into their soul. They want a deep connection to their partner that goes beyond the ...

Apart From the Rapes, He’s A Really Nice Guy

At the height of his fame, Danny Masterson drugged, raped and assaulted multiple women. After consuming drinks made by him, these women were left limp and powerless to defend themselves. If they woke up during the rape, Masterson hit them, spat on them and threatened them into obedience, som...

What Happens When a Lesbian Meets the Perfect Guy

Many lesbians recall their gay awakening as being the moment they met a specific woman. They say she swanned unexpectedly into their life and completely upended their notion of love and devotion and romance. That their very existence adopted a new and improved complexion of brighter colours and s...

Every Time I Date an Asian Guy, People Ask Me if He Has a Small Dick

A few years back, I was walking down the street with an Asian guy I was dating, and some homeless guy shouted “I’ll bet that guy has a tiny dick,” at us. And, in a moment of selfishness, I was like what the fuck am I supposed to in this situation? I still have no idea. We...

Why Black Women With Multiple Degrees Are Seen as The Bad Guy

When a Black woman proudly announced that she received her 4th degree and became the “first woman or person of color to graduate from” her program” and has a “job offer from the state of Indiana waiting” on social media, she was expressing her joy, at breaking a gl...

Healing My Struggles with Whiteness (As a White Guy)

I also recognize wholeheartedly the struggle of all the non-white folks who have found themselves encircled by a dominant culture that punishes them for expressing who they are. I am saying that growing up with that privilege has diminished my capability for empathy, healthy expression ...

No One Ever Thinks They’re The Bad Guy, Especially The Bad Guy

Michael Douglas spent the late 80s and early 90s playing flawed white men. In the 1989 black comedy The War Of The Roses, he was a wealthy, self-centered middle-aged yuppie divorcing his equally loathsome wife. He’s a jerk, but so is she. Kathleen Turner co-starred as his spouse, which wa...

The Beast of the Bastille| Guy Georges

Do you ever just randomly Google strange serial killer names? No, just me, great. Anyways, that’s what I did and came to a random list of strange serial killer names and came across this one and thought it was pretty interesting because I’ve never really known any true crime, serial kill...

Guy Hocquenghem’s Ève: Global and Personal Chaos During the AIDS Crisis

Guy Hocquenghem. A name that certainly isn’t as familiar as Michel Foucault’s or Judith Butler’s, but that ought to be. Once a prominent activist and writer on the frontlines of queer liberation during and after the 1968 student uprisings in France, today he is a far more obscure f...