Tag: GUI

Streamlit vs. Taipy — The Ultimate Comparison

In two of my recent articles, I presented a comprehensive overview of Taipy — an open-source tool that streamlines the creation, management, and execution of reliable data-driven pipelines with low code. It comprises of two parts: Taipy Taipy GUI lets you create ...

Handling User Input in Python: Creating Interactive Programs

Hey there, fellow Pythonistas! Welcome back to another exciting tech blog. I’m thrilled to dive into the fascinating world of user input handling in Python and explore the art of crafting interactive programs. So, grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and let’s embark on this coding adv...

Score Tracker GUI using Python!

This button retrieves the scores directly from the API using the backend source from the API Provider — api.balldontlie.io. The libraries used are Requests libraries and JSON libraries . Mainly we use GET requests to get a JSON response which fetches data from the URL that includes a spe...