Tag: Grows

A Danish Café Grows in Brooklyn

Growing up in New York City, Bed Stuy native Jesus Caicedo had always dreamt of running his own café — particularly one that he could build off of his Colombian roots. Little did he know that a journey to Europe and an introduction to all things Copenhagen would serve as the u...

A Powerful Partnership Grows Stronger

More than 150 African energy sector stakeholders convened at the 6th Annual Power Africa Partners Day in February to share their experiences and set a course for the future. Each person focused on one key question: How do we capitalize on Power Africa’s momentum, and the energy revolution...

A Tree Grows in Taipei

This has been a month of celebrations. First there was graduation, which was a little more awkward than usual given the lack of an audience (only students and a handful of teachers/staff attended), but the kids still had a good spirit and we snapped some good pictures. Don’t worry, there wa...

Top 10 Coins To Grow $100 To $10,000

Today, the trading world saw Bitcoin drop by about $4,000. It was trading above $44,000 and suddenly fell to near $40,000. Some think this big change was to trick the market and hurt investors. Others believe the drop was because of news about Bitcoin returns from Mt. Gox. But I see this as a great ...