Tag: graphical

Game developer’s guide to graphical projections (with video game examples), Part 2: Multiview

In this series we’re learning how to draw 3D objects onto 2D surfaces, a process known as graphical projection. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you should read Part 1: Introduction. Here’s the big picture: Today we’ll look at the bottom-left corner,...

Who is Responsible for Climate Change? — A Graphical Approach

So, here I was, minding my own business and teaching myself the basics of quantum computing when I enrolled in IBM’s global quantum summer school this August, it’s an intensive course, so one has to really immerse oneself to understand the basics, I was reading various blogs and articles...

The Art of the Graphical Point of View

The Greek roots of the word “photography” mean drawing with light. They stress the importance of graphics in the medium. The combination of a high Point of View (POV) and graphic compositions can play a central role in the story one wants to tell. At a distance, you have time to sl...