UN GRAIN: A Taste of Petite Elegance

I finally visited UN GRAIN, a place I had always been curious about. It is a shop in Minami-Aoyama that specializes in mignardises, which are bite-sized desserts. The word mignardise means “daintiness” or “elegance” in French, and these desserts are perfect for satisfying you...

What If God Was a Grain of Sand?

What If God Was a grain of sand Falling through a child’s hand Spilling upon the barren land Like the softest winter snow? What if God was a gentle breeze Prompting the most violent sneeze Rustling the bright and vibrant leaves That scatter to and fro? Website

Ask Ethan: What if the Sun were a grain of sand?

From the perspective of a human being, it’s almost impossible to fathom just how mind-bogglingly large the cosmic scales are. An average human is a little less than 2 meters in height, but planet Earth is more than 12,000 kilometers in diameter. The Sun is larger, at 1.4 million kilometers acr...

Ask Ethan: What if the Sun were a grain of sand?

From the perspective of a human being, it’s almost impossible to fathom just how mind-bogglingly large the cosmic scales are. An average human is a little less than 2 meters in height, but planet Earth is more than 12,000 kilometers in diameter. The Sun is larger, at 1.4 million kilometers acr...

Learning a New Language at Age 40+

This old joke has more than a grain of truth to it. Unless you are an immigrant or a child of immigrants, chances are you only speak English. There are lots of reasons for this. Like…we’re a big country and don’t need to speak anyone else’s darned language. Or…Engl...