Tag: Graduation

The Argentine Graduation Tradition

In the United States we celebrate graduation day by going out to a fancy restaurant with family, parties, and receiving gifts with cake. However, during my time in Vamos Spanish Academy in Buenos Aires I learned that there is a graduation tradition that is quite strange to us foreigners. Y...

What’s wrong with Native American land acknowledgements at university commencement and graduation exercises?

In the northern hemisphere December brings with it cold weather, preparations for and celebration of holidays like Hanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza, and in many colleges and universities commencement exercises. During this event, students who meet the requirements of graduation, who did not complet...

An Earthquake Jolted Me to Act

Itell my kids they wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for an earthquake. It was May 1990, mere weeks before my high school graduation. I was bound for UC Berkeley — school ID and dorm assignment already in hand — when I unexpectedly received a letter from Stanford. The 6.9-magni...