Tag: Glacier

NASA-Funded Study Warns of 50% Glacier Loss at 1.5°C Warming

According to a NASA-funded study in Science, half of the world’s glaciers will vanish with just 1.5°C of warming by 2100. And we are already getting uncomfortably close to that dooming temperature increase set by the 2015 Paris Agreement this year, not in...

hiking the Highline trail at Glacier NP

The Highline Trail is a very popular hike in Glacier National Park, Montana. The trailhead is across the road from the parking lot at Logan’s Pass, which get full by 8am !! Logan Pass is also the location where you can hike up to the Hidden Lake overlook ….. and Hidden Lake if the tr...

A Day Hike to Grey Glacier

Torres del Paine Park! It had been on my mind for ages. If I were going to take a trip to Chile and Argentina, I was going to hike in that park. Luckily in 2006, a good friend of mine from Boston was studying Spanish in Buenos Aires. She already knew that I took long vacations over the Christmas and...