Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled by the shimmering coast, there lived a wise and adventurous grandmother named Sara. Summer had arrived, bringing with it the promise of warm sunshine and delightful adventures. Sara, a spirited soul in her golden years, eagerly aw...

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway For Free 2023

Get free Amazon Gift cards code and buy anything for free on eBay Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card for FREE! No payments are necessary, simply enter our giveaway for a chance to win. Feeling lucky? Get instant codes for Gift cards Giveaway, prepaid cards, PayPal giftcard, Am...

The Gift of Giving: $10,000 Giveaway!

None of this would be possible without our loyal supporters and investors. Your continuous support and trust in PlayEstates is the bedrock upon which we construct the future. Thank you for being the wind beneath our wings! That is why we wanted to show our appreciation with something a little mor...

2023 Holiday Gift Guide for People in Tech

Tis the season for joy and family. Yet we all could use a helping hand with all the other things weighing down our thoughts. We carry the knowledge of immense tragedies around the world — from natural disasters and wars, to domestic and global political polarization and its negative impacts on...

How a Christmas Gift with a Secret Meaning Saved My Life

It was the year we murdered a tree for Christmas. Daddy made me hold the Douglas fir while he attacked at its base. The tree’s perfume made me fall in love. As it broke at the bottom, its woody tendrils shrieked as it let go. I let go, too, and Daddy yelled at me. We dragged the tree out of...

Saturn’s Gift: Navigating Career Success with Capricorn Wisdom

As an Aries (Impulsive-Adventurous-Courageous-Assertive), that immediate urgency of desire is what has gotten me in trouble in the past, and after some kicks in the face, I have come to realize, that the delays are for my protection and betterment. At other times, I side-eye my Saturn (Mastery-Re...

Saturn’s Gift: Navigating Career Success with Capricorn Wisdom

Sometimes we wonder why it is so difficult for the next step or the evolution of a situation to come right along. Especially, when you’ve put your sweat, tears, and physical energy on that cross and things are as stagnant as ever. Similarly, in our daily activities even in the minute detail...

The Inner Gift of Healing: Understanding Your Unique Healing Quality

As a Reiki Master and spiritual healer, I often encounter individuals who are on a quest to find healing outside of themselves. While seeking support from other sources is helpful, I want you to know that the gift of healing resides within you. It’s true! We all have an inner healing quality t...

The Fine Art and Gift of Feedback — Giving And Receiving It

“You are bright,” said Professor Raymond Yagle, my advisor, “but you need to speak up in class.” I had gone back to college after working for eight years, and this was his feedback during my first semester. As some of our classes included class participation in the grades,...

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself in Old Age — Is Acceptance

The most challenging thing I’ve ever done was to accept I was old. Even though I was on Social Security and Medicare and was 68, I resisted. I clung to middle age like a drowning man clings to a life preserver. I refused to be categorized as old and subjected to ageism. I didn’t want ...

Makeup: An Adorable Gift For Your Special People

Not every makeup you buy online is genuine and safe to be used on the skin. It might have the name of a famous brand but the material inside can be fake. To prevent getting fooled and investing in something that isn’t worth it, here’s a little help from our side. Let’s go...