Tag: Ghosts

Ghosts in the Playstation: The Unsettling Sounds of “Fearful Harmony” and “Personified Fear”

In the age of rapidly emerging technology, there have been a ton of strange noises and jingles signifying machine startup, shut down, and errors. These strange fragments of noise tend to cause irrational fear in people. For me, it is the Windows 95 startup noise (some of Brian Eno’s ...

Pillars and Ghosts

Here is my response to the Move Me Poetry Photo Prompt for 16 Dec 2022. The photo prompt image is courtesy of Charlie Bott. There were a lot of great entries last week; a link to the collection of poems is included at the end of this post. Enjoy! InGlasgow there sits In everyone’s way ...

Lafcadio Hearn aka Koizumi Yakumo: We are Wandering Ghosts

After graduating from university, I worked for a travel agency, and I am now a travel writer. So, of course, I travel a lot, and I can no longer imagine a career or life without traveling. Many people around me are also travellers, and I believe that for some people, traveling is a necessity. Som...

The Ghosts Of Madagascar: Why The Lemurs Scream And The Plants grow Spikes

To the rest of the world, Madagascar’s wilderness appears as a peculiar, remixed version of theirs. Its remaining nature, threatened by development, hosts animals only distantly familiar. Instead of big cats, the Fossa, a relative of the mongoose, prowls the undergrowth, holding an uncann...

Becoming a Ghost

We’ve all been ghosts at one time or another, returning to places we once belonged. Today, I became a phantom, haunting the halls of classrooms where I once told stories, taught math, read poems; a place where I spent more hours than home. At the school’s winter fair I passe...

Ghosts of Patients Past

I retired after 26+ years as a nurse. Sometimes the enormity of that still hits me square in the face. All. The. Patients. I touched in My Life. And All. The. Patients. who touched me. A lot of them are gone. The number one rule in healthcare has always been this — you can’t save ever...

Do Ghosts Really Exist According to Religion?

Christianity has conflicting perspectives. The Bible doesn’t directly address ghosts. Some think ghosts are possible, while others reject them as demonic illusions or figments of imagination. The jury is still out. Photo by phil thep on Unsplash Islam firmly denie...

Ghosts of Paintings Past: Pentimenti in Art History

Nowadays we can use all sorts of techniques to look down through layers of paint to discover what lies underneath a painting. As I showed when discussing the National Gallery of Art’s recent Vermeer exhibition, techniques like x-rays can reveal how artists changed compositions in their pa...