Tag: German

German work visa for Non-EU citizens

It’s not that difficult to obtain official permission to live and work in Germany if you’re a skilled non-EU citizen with a job offer from a local company. In general, there is no so-called “visa sponsorship” in Germany. If a company is ready to offer a candidate a job con...

Getting your German work visa

A work visa gives you the right to enter Germany for the purpose of starting work. This is not your average tourist visa. Here is what you need to do to get the visa: Make an appointment at the German embassy (example: Cairo) or consulate. Immediately. Book the appointment for a nati...

Off The Rails: A Run-In With German Bureaucracy

The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) — Berlin’s citywide public transportation system — boasts an sprawling web of trains running with cold, calculated efficiency. A moment’s tardiness leaves your arms struggling to stretch the closing doors. A Google search reveals a link to ...

Renewing the “German Freelance Visa” in Berlin (February 2019)

Here’s how I successfully renewed my residence permit as a freelancer in Berlin in February 2019. I will go into detail on each requirement — the ones listed and not listed on the official website. ** Disclaimer: this is obviously NOT legal advice, I am sharing my experience w...

Choosing the Right German School in Berlin: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Different Options Available Photo by Marius Serban on Unsplash Introduction: Berlin is a hub of education, with a wide range of schools offering German language courses. If you are looking to improve your German language skills, there are many options avail...

Reasons to Welcome a Female German Shepherd into Your Family

A litter of elite, pure bloodline female German Shepherds is currently available through the renowned Wüstenberger-Land kennels spread over 5 acres in Agua Dulce, northeast of Los Angeles off Highway 14. Updated photos are available on the Wüstenberger-Land site’s dedica...

German evangelicals on mission to support Holocaust survivors mourn loss of soldier son in Gaza

Sgt. 1st Class Urija Bayer, an evangelical Christian who volunteered in the IDF, succumbs to his injuries sustained in Gaza clashes; his grandparents dreamed of atoning for the Nazi’s atrocities against Jews Sgt. 1st Class Urija Bayer, a 20-year-old Maglan Commando Brigade soldier, was kill...

The German Schoolteacher Who Saved Her Students From the Nazis

Way before the start of World War II or the tragic Holocaust, Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler’s raging antisemitism was quite apparent from the get-go. With the release of Mein Kampf, Hitler’s political manifesto detailing the process through which he became antisemitic and setting ou...

Let Me Tell You About My White Privilege

I was born the daughter of a German Jewish Holocaust Survivor and a ‘poor white’ Afrikaner ‘boere meisie.’ Both, in the year that I was born in ‘sunny South Africa,’ were outcasts in their society. As their daughter, the English called me a rock-spider, the Afrika...

The German Tank Problem

Statistical estimates can be fascinating, can’t they? By just sampling a few instances from a population, you can infer properties of that population such as the mean value or the variance. Likewise, under the right circumstances, it is possible to estimate the total size of the popu...

The German Tank Problem

Statistical estimates can be fascinating, can’t they? By just sampling a few instances from a population, you can infer properties of that population such as the mean value or the variance. Likewise, under the right circumstances, it is possible to estimate the total size of the popu...

Guide For Mastering German Grammar

Welcome to your interactive guide to mastering German grammar! Learning German can be an exciting journey, and understanding its grammar is key to becoming proficient in the language. Let’s dive in and see what awaits! Nouns and Articles Learn noun genders (masculine, feminine, neu...

10 Most Influential German Doctors Throughout History

Rudolf Virchow, born on 13 October 1821 in Schievelbein, Pomerania, was the only child of a farmer and city treasurer. He was a prodigy, excelling academically and mastering multiple languages. Virchow chose medicine over the priesthood, studying at Friedrich Wilhelm University under Johannes Peter ...

German A2 Speaking Exam – Teil 2 (3-minute speech)

In part 2, you will be given a card with a theme and sample questions. You have to talk about the themes for several minutes. When you finished, examiner would ask you a follow-up question. There are four guiding questions/ remarks on the card. I made two or three lines for each guiding question,...

How Can I Learn German Fast? My Sprint Through the Language

Let’s be real: When I set out to learn German, I wanted to do it yesterday. The internet promised me swift fluency, and I, fueled by dreams of chattering away in German cafes, was all in. But as anyone who’s ever tried to learn a language knows, it’s more marathon than sprint. S...

I finished the German course on Duolingo and here is what I learned.

If readers follow me on twitter, you will know that I have started a Duolingo journey and that is to finish every single Duolingo tree and to reach level 5 on every lesson. The reason why I did this was because I wanted to sample different languages and also because I like silly challenges. After ev...

German Grammar on a Budget: Finding the Right a Free App to Learn German

When I started learning German, my budget was tight. I wondered, “Is there a free app that can really help?” After lots of searching and trying different apps, I found my answer: Grammar cards powered by Metkagram innovations. Why This App Stood Out Free Grammar Cards: Metkagram...

Cracking German Grammar: Your Shortcut with Metkagram

 I’m part of the Metkagram Team, and our mission is simple: to make language learning accessible, effective, and, most importantly, enjoyable. If you’ve ever felt bogged down by the complexities of German grammar, you’re not alone. That’s exactly why we created Metkag...

Break Through German Grammar with Ease: Metkagram’s Innovative Approach

I’m here from the Metkagram Team. If you’ve ever felt like German grammar is a puzzle you can’t solve, you’re in the right place. We’ve been there, and we decided to do something about it. That’s how Metkagram was born. Let me guide you through how our app make...

How to Negotiate in German: Techniques and Useful Phrases

When negotiating in German, understanding specific phrases and the cultural nuances can make a significant difference in achieving a favorable outcome. Here’s a guide to help you navigate negotiations in German, with key techniques and useful phrases. Key Techniques: Preparation: ...

Counting in German: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering numbers is an essential building block for learning any new language, and German is no exception. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, being able to count proficiently in German opens up a whole new world of communication and understanding. In this comprehensive guid...

Can You Really Get Fluent in German Just with Apps?

So, you’re dreaming of chatting away in German, and you’re wondering if apps alone can get you there, right? I’ve been down that road, armed with nothing but my phone and a bunch of apps, hoping to become fluent without stepping into a classroom. Let me spill the beans on what I fo...

10 German Words That Mean More Than What They Seem

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re listening to a conversation in German, but you can’t seem to understand why people are using certain expressions? And when you try to translate it into your language, it doesn’t make any sense? Well, it’s more common th...

Cracking the Code: Mastering German Pronunciation for Beginners

Let’s be honest, getting the pronunciation right can feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle. Those tricky vowel sounds, the infamous “ch” that changes its tune, and let’s not even start on the rhythm and melody of the language. But fear not! I’ve navigated these cho...

The Best Ways to Boost Your German Listening Skill

If you’re learning German, you know listening can be tricky. All those words flying at you can feel like trying to catch raindrops. But don’t worry! I’ve found some cool ways to get better at understanding what you hear. Let’s dive in and explore the best resources to practic...

Is App-Based Learning Enough to Master German?

I’ve been on this personal mission to learn German, and like many of you, I turned to language learning apps as my first line of defense. They’re convenient, interactive, and let’s face it, kind of addictive with all those points and levels. But as I journeyed deeper into the heart...

Nailing German Pronunciation: Tips from the Trenches

An enthusiastic learner (that’s me!) dreaming of chatting effortlessly in German, only to be brought back down to earth by the perplexing world of umlauts, guttural sounds, and sentence melody. If you’ve ever felt lost in the sounds of German, you’re not alone. Let me walk you thro...

Finding the Best German App: A Real Talk from My Experience

 So, you wanna learn German, right? Cool, me too! I’ve been on this rollercoaster of trying to find the perfect app to help me get my German from “What did you say?” to “Yeah, I totally got this.” Let me spill the beans on what I’ve learned and which apps ...

Guide to crack B1 level German exam

B1 level is the third level of German language in which you can actually converse with natives in coherent German. I had less than a month to prepare for this exam. So I had to refer a lot of websites and blogs for the same. Make yourselves thoroughly acquainted with the B1 level grammar. It real...

“How I Learned German By Myself: Simple Steps to Success

Learning German on my own was a big adventure. At first, it seemed a bit scary, but I found some simple ways that really worked for me. I want to share these steps with you, hoping they’ll make your journey to learning German a bit easier and more fun. 1. Setting Small Goals  I star...

Mastering German at No Cost ( for Free ) | Learning Guide

I found ways to learn German completely for free! Let me walk you through how I tackled the challenge of learning this beautiful language without opening my wallet. Ready? Los geht’s! (Let’s go!) 1. Dive Into Online Courses  First up, there are tons of free online courses that...