Tag: Gentrification

San Francisco’s Honey Bears: Harmlessly Cute, or Symbols of Gentrification?

Ifyou’ve lived in San Francisco in recent years, you know about the honey bear. These cute, stenciled icons are smattered on building exteriors throughout the city. Sometimes, the honey bear wears a cozy beanie. Other times, it’s disguised with 3D goggles and popcorn. Recently, it’...

The challenges of mapping gentrification

For all the attention paid to gentrification by urbanists — and increasingly by popular media — there’s very little consensus around the term. There’s no clear way of defining or measuring it, and there’s even wide disagreement about whether it’s go...

The One Minute Geographer: Massachusetts (5): Boston, New Suburbs, Creative Class and Gentrification

With the prior posts as background, let’s look at a couple of examples of demography in the Boston metro area in an urban setting and in a suburban one. Then, we’ll take a quick look at gentrification and ‘the creative class.’ The City of Boston, housing the state Capitol ...

How to Fix Gentrification

The revival of New York City started after its bankruptcy in 1977 when then-Mayor Ed Koch popularized the idea of using rezonings, subsidies, and tax abatements to incentivize investments in neglected areas of New York City, shifting the city from an declining industrial hub to a major center for bu...