Tag: Genes

Where Are the Missing ADHD Genes?

Long ago, biologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists settled the debate about whether nature or nurture shapes human behavior and dysfunction. For every condition we can think of, both our biology and our psychosocial environments play major roles. Yet despite the increasing power o...

Where Are the Missing ADHD Genes?

Long ago, biologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists settled the debate about whether nature or nurture shapes human behavior and dysfunction. For every condition we can think of, both our biology and our psychosocial environments play major roles. Yet despite the increasing power o...

Think you chose coffee this morning? Your genes might disagree

Every day, the world indulges in a colossal coffee fest equivalent to 200 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Nearly a billion people between them pour two billion cups. Sixty-four percent of Americans start their day with a coffee, with women slightly out-sipping the men. In Britain, the nation of sup...

How Will Your Genes Shape Your Future Health?

How AI and Genomics Are Crafting Your Personal Health Blueprint In an era where technology touches every aspect of our lives, healthcare is undergoing a revolution not with scalpels and medicines, but with data and algorithms. The forefront of this revolution? Personalized medicine, powered by ge...

Tagging Genes and Proteins with BioBERT

Text mining in the clinical domain has become increasingly important with the number of biomedical documents currently out there with valuable information waiting to be deciphered and optimized by NLP techniques. With the accelerated progress in NLP, pre-trained language models now carry millions (o...