Tag: Generating

Turn Your Face Into Money-Generating Masterpiece: Like Da Vinci Painting Wealth With A Brush

Although it may seem strange to make money with your face, there are some unique and inventive methods to do it. Remember that not everyone will be able to take advantage of these chances and that success in these endeavors frequently depends on elements like attractiveness, charisma, and networking...

Generating Images, Videos, and Animations with the Stable Diffusion Model via Replicate API in Google Colab

Introduction Stable Diffusion is a diffusion model for image generation. It is implemented in the Diffusers library, which is an open-source Python library that provides a consistent interface for using diffusion models for image generation. Replicate, on the other hand, is a platform that all...

Generating DALL-E prompts using ChatGPT — Made Easy

Among the new generative AI models, few capture the essence of human creativity as well as ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, and DALL-E, a groundbreaking image-generating AI creation from the same developers. While ChatGPT excels at comprehending and generating human-like ...

Generating 3D Models with Deep Learning (part 1)

The digital world is fast growing an extra dimension, with the advent of technologies like virtual reality and autonomous vehicles, the systems of the future will begin to see the world just the way we see it: with three dimensions. Someday staring at a 2D picture on a screen may become no different...

The Revenue-Generating Power of the Miami Heat’s Inspirational Story

While the Miami Heat’s inspirational story has garnered widespread admiration and support, it’s important to recognize that the story itself may not directly generate financial income. However, the success and popularity of the Miami Heat can contribute to revenue generation for the fran...

Moment Generating Function Explained

The n-th moment is E(X^n). We are pretty familiar with the first two moments, the mean μ = E(X) and the variance E(X²) − μ². They are important characteristics of X. The mean is the average value and the variance is how spread out the ...

Syndeogens: Psychedelics as Connection-Generating Agents

I previously wrote about how we can think of psychedelics as trickster chemicals, based on how their effects often align with the attributes of the trickster archetype. This is not meant to replace other terms for psychedelics, such as entheogen or medicine, but merely supplement them. But ther...

Generating Products Reviews with GPT2 in Portuguese

Reading all the reviews from this particular product and later on inspecting other products from the same seller was clear to me that some kind of automatic generation was being performed. I already knew Amazon was suffering from similar issues specially with Chinese sellers and with Americanas.com ...