Tag: Gen

Gen Z Sucks (and what you should do about it as a leader)

You don’t have to search far to find headlines reporting on all of the ways Gen Z sucks in the workplace. Here are a few examples from the past week alone: Gen Z can’t work alongside people with different views because they ‘haven’t got the skills to disagree’ s...

Unlearning My White Privilege & Ignorance — Part 1

Hi, let me introduce myself, I’m a cis-gendered, white, Gen X, woman. That’s pretty much all anyone needed to know about me for my entire life. I was just like all of my fellow white people. Whenever my childhood sweetheart would point out that he was the only ‘black person&r...

“Gen Z Slang”: The Punchline

I no longer have the capacity to laugh at the death of others at the hands of old, rich White men. I see these tactics in media as the violent actions and propaganda they are instead of the “playful” dialogue they are framing it as. People are dying. Their actions affirm that p...

Will AI Automation Help or Hurt Local Journalism? Exploring Google’s Unreleased Gen AI Tools for Publishers

Local newspapers have long played a vital watchdog role in communities across the country. But as the digital age disrupted traditional business models, many smaller publications struggled to stay afloat. Now, an intriguing new opportunity has emerged — though it also presents risks deserv...

Do My Values at 90 Align with Gen. Z on Sustainability?

I fully believe that my values do align, 60 years ago, and today. However, I was much too ahead of my time in the past and too old today at 90 to do much except write. Gen. Z is the first one possibly, after Baby Boomers, Gen. X, and Millenials whom most I did not. Terry F. Yosie, “Zoomers ...