Tag: Futures

Money Moves for Millennials: 10 Tips to Secure Your Financial Future

When you’re in your 20s, you may be focused on building a career, establishing relationships, and figuring out your place in the world. However, it’s also an important time to start thinking about your financial future. With the right moves, you can set yourself up for long-term success ...

Five Things to Do NOW For Your Financial FUTURE

Over the last few years, I have been trying to expand my knowledge pertaining to personal finance, budgeting, investing, and just having a more progressive relationship with money. With the recent purchase of a new home, being money mindful is critical for my wife and I — now more...

Developing A Regenerative Futures Fund #11: Building On The Work Of (Many) Others

This is a collection of people and orgs I’ve spoken to, people I’ve heard speak at events, or I’ve read, heard about or people have shared with me. There are probably a few more lurking in my inbox that I need to add in. Hopefully this is useful and also something we can build on. ...

Building a more inclusive tech future

Technology has the potential to catalyze positive societal change, however it can also exacerbate existing gender inequities and economic inequalities. Here are some of the key challenges that lie ahead and solutions that can help make technology more inclusive for all of us. Women do not have eq...

Casting An Uncertain Future

For those who’ve been reading my stuff for a while now, you’ll see my occasional mention of my life as a perpetual medical patient. Because I’m always attending appointments, many of which are high stakes to me, I find myself casting charts for these appointments and cross-referenc...

Sustainable Urban Futures: Navigating the Transition to Post-Carbon Cities through Academic Insights and Real-World Examples

Introduction: The imperative to address pressing global challenges, including climate change, ecosystem degradation, and societal pressures, has catalyzed a paradigm shift toward post-carbon cities. This transformative trajectory envisions urban landscapes that are low-carbon, environmentally s...

Navigating the Future: How Upcoming Supreme Court Decisions Could Strengthen Gun Ownership Rights

In the near future, the Supreme Court is set to deliver rulings on two critical cases that could significantly fortify the rights of gun owners in America. `This landmark decisions promise to recalibrate the current boundaries surrounding who can legally own a firearm and the permissible modifi...

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of Green Chemistry: A Sustainable Future Beckons

As our world faces pressing environmental challenges, the need for sustainable solutions has never been more critical. Green chemistry is an innovative approach to chemical research and engineering that aims to minimize the environmental impact of chemical processes and products. It focuses on devel...

Protocols for Transformation: Ecologies of the Commons and the Futures of Solidarity

In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee and his team at CERN came up with a language to create the internet, HTTP, or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The innovation allowed one computer on the internet to talk to, or link with, another one, such that over time, as websites proliferated, they could be connected into w...

Generative AI Craze: One Year Later — The Present and Future of AI in Fashion

The online fashion platform Revolve, in collaboration with Maison.Meta, the host of AI Fashion Week, has released the collections of the top 3 designers from AI Fashion Week as actual products. Each designer’s collection includes 10–12 garments, ranging from taffeta dresses to one-should...

A New Trend: Fashion Industry Embracing Sustainable Style for a Greener Future

A new trend has come up in the world of fashion, here style meets sustainability. Today, the fashion-conscious consumer gives more importance to sustainable style, where ethical practices and environmental considerations seamlessly intertwine with cutting-edge trends. Consumer become more conscious ...

Emerging Futures: Vol 19 — The Style Guide

That got us thinking — we realized that while we had listed and contrasted the Primary Orientation, Location, Visualization, Ethos, Methods, and Authorship of the two approaches to creativity — we were still missing that “something” that might express the key differences. ...