Tag: Frog

Even the Tiniest Frog Can Become an Astronaut by Jumping From the Surface of a Mile-Size Asteroid

The OSIRIS-REx mission collected 70.3 grams of rocks and dust from the asteroid Bennu and delivered it back to Earth on September 24, 2023. Given its diameter of half a kilometer, the escape speed from the surface gravity of Bennu is 18 centimeters per second. This means that eve...

I Tried Kambo Frog Poison And It Changed My Energy In Several Ways

Kambo has not been something I felt called towards for a long time. The idea of burning your skin and putting frog poison in the wounds was not at the top of my list of things to do. Besides that, I am not a big fan of using a live animal to collect the secretion from. Images of Kambo poison extract...

The Mandarin Frog Man Is The Only Man Who Really “Gets It”

In these quarantine days I have become very enamored of my morning walk. I do slow laps around the cul-de-sacs, dodging joggers and strollers from a six foot distance, taking deep breaths of that Florida smell—biomass, car juices, jasmine. You can laugh at me for being an old person, but I&rsq...