Tag: Frameworks

The Dangers of Relying Too Much on Frontend Frameworks

Caught in the Framework Trap: Peter’s Story Meet Peter, an enterprising startup founder who in 2016 was driven by the ambition to develop a groundbreaking web application that could change the world. Peter, an ambitious startup founder Peter, like many of us, believed that the lat...

7 Frameworks for Serving LLMs

While browsing through LinkedIn, I came across a comment that made me realize the need to write a simple yet insightful article to shed light on this matter: “Despite the hype, I couldn’t find a straightforward MLOps engineer who could explain how we can deploy these open-source mod...

The Dangers of Relying Too Much on Frontend Frameworks - A Short Story

Caught in the Framework Trap: Peter’s Story Meet Peter, an enterprising startup founder who in 2016 was driven by the ambition to develop a groundbreaking web application that could change the world. Peter, an ambitious startup founder Peter, like many of us, believed that the lat...

The Dangers of Relying Too Much on Frontend Frameworks - A Short Story

Caught in the Framework Trap: Peter’s Story Meet Peter, an enterprising startup founder who in 2016 was driven by the ambition to develop a groundbreaking web application that could change the world.   Peter, like many of us, believed that the latest frontend frameworks held the ...

MLOps: Mastering Machine Learning Deployment: An Intro to Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, and Modern Web Frameworks-End To End Project

Introduction: In the dynamic world of machine learning, the journey from developing a model to putting it into production is often seen as intricate and multifaceted. However, with the advent of tools like Docker, Kubernetes and user-friendly web frameworks such as FastAPI, Streamlit, and Gradio,...

Progressive enhancement and JavaScript frameworks — a complicated relationship

There’s long been an incompatibility between progressive enhancement (PE) and front-end JavaScript frameworks, making it a real challenge to build modern web applications that satisfy all use cases. However, a step change in front-end technologies means we have more options available. In this ...

Best Frontend Frameworks for Web Development in 2023

Developing a web app or a website often requires the support of a reliable framework. In the world of frontend development, there are many old and new tools to choose from. However, to determine the right framework for your project’s needs, you should have a clear understanding of the merits a...

7 Frameworks for Serving LLMs

While browsing through LinkedIn, I came across a comment that made me realize the need to write a simple yet insightful article to shed light on this matter: “Despite the hype, I couldn’t find a straightforward MLOps engineer who could explain how we can deploy these open-source mod...

Generative AI for Geology: An Information Frameworks Viewpoint

The studies of the planet present extraordinary testing issues, from distinguishing and foreseeing changes in Earth’s environments because of environmental change to figuring out associations among the sea, air, and land in the environmental framework. Helping address these issues, in any case...

Charting the Non-Parametric Odyssey: Statistical Frameworks for Distribution-Free Hypothesis Testing

Statistics is the corpus of instruments of knowledge that allow us to infer from data through tools including, but not limited to, estimation of parameters, construction of confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing to validate our assumptions. In this article, we will learn about frameworks that ...

Why do we run this race to the bottom?

Venturing into the tech world as a sociologist brings thrilling challenges, constantly nudging me to explore new approaches in my efforts. In this Newsletter, I aim to unveil how I think and apply different theories in unconventional ways, offering insights that might spark curiosity among reader...