Tag: Frames

Google launches BigQuery Data Frames

Google just announced BigQuery DataFrames — the feature is now in preview. BigQuery DataFrames is a Python API that you can use to analyze data and perform machine learning tasks in BigQuery[1]. BigQuery DataFrames combines Data Analysis and Data Science capabilities by giving you the follo...

Lockdown Geometry: Rotation Minimizing Frames

Itturns out that implementing computational geometry algorithms is as good a way as any to pass the time in lockdown. Educational, productive, and one more thing to do after doing more pushups in one day than I would usually do in a week and practicing relentless pentatonic runs on the guitar as if ...

Bring Colors to your Data Frames

In this article, you’ll learn how to add colours to a pandas dataframe by using pandas styling and options/settings. The Pandas documentation is rather extensive, but if you’re searching for a somewhat more friendly introduction, I believe you’ve come to the right place. Pandas ...