Tag: Fragility

White Fragility Is A Book About Racism

DiAngelo views racism in the USA as systemic and sometimes perpetuated by individuals subconsciously. Many believe that is the case. Racism is something that has existed in the United States from its earliest days. People may feel superior to others because of the color of their skin or other fac...

Neighbor, A Handbook: Part 2(0), The Terms-White Fragility

General Fragility I have a chapter in Part One of the Handbook called “Fragility.” While there are many meanings for the word, this discussion focuses on how human fragility interrupts the ability to be a Neighbor. As it supports this term, I’ll recap it here. Fragi...

White Fragility Can’t Deal With My Self-Care

My housemate bought the sponges. Some of the sponges. I bought the dishwasher detergent. The laundry detergent. The paper towels. The toilet paper. Almost all of the silverware and dishes are mine. I’m sure if I look closely, I’ll find something in this house I did not bu...