Tag: Fox

Star Fox 64: Rescuing Your Dead Father from the Underworld

Author Jordan Peterson speaks about rescuing your dead father from the belly of the beast — which is the story of Jonah. One must go into the darkest place; the center of the suffering, to find what is most needed for the challenge at hand. If a person refuses that destiny, the perso...

Thinking Like A Fox

There is a line among the fragments of the Greek poet Archilochus which says: ‘The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.’ Scholars have differed about the correct interpretation of these dark words, which may mean no more than that the fox, for all his cunning, is ...

Trump v.s. DeSantis; Twitter v.s. Fox News

The 2024 presidential podium is a prize of ferocious value, not just between the traditional Dems v.s. GOP, but within GOP. A former president desperately needs the presidency as a get-out-of-jail-free card, and an upcoming Governor sees it as a righteous reward. They both want to use it as the tool...