Tag: Follow

The Best Financial Move I Made in My 20s Was Not To Follow My Passion

When I was a teenager, my parents enrolled me in a technical school so I could complete high school along with a technical degree. As I was young and uninterested in most of the careers that the school offered, my brother suggested Software because “you can earn a lot of money creating...

Struggling with Your Writing? Follow Passion, Not Money…

Hey folks, it’s me diving into the heart of a writer’s classic problem: the tug-of-war between following passion and chasing the paycheck in our writing journeys. We’ve all been there. We are staring at the blank screen, wondering whether to pen down what sings to our souls or what...

Should I Have Been a Female

Disclaimer: I do not know pc language. I do not follow LGBTQ+ stuff and considering how many concussions I’ve had it is nearly impossible to believe I could learn their language. I apologize in advance for any terms I use that aren’t correct. I was raised in a very sheltered Christian ho...

Top Beauty Trends to Follow in 2024

Introduction: As we step into 2024, the beauty landscape is evolving, embracing a harmonious blend of innovation, sustainability, and self-expression. Explore the top beauty trends that promise to redefine our approach to skincare, makeup, and overall well-being. 1. Clean and Sustainable Bea...