Tag: Flyway

Protecting the Pacific Flyway

The Flyway spans over 4,000 miles, and forms one of four major migratory routes in North America. Due to its length, birds need stopover points to fuel up and to rest, which means key habitats like wetlands and lakes along the way need to be protected. The Salton Sea is an attractive rest stop fo...

The Mississippi Flyway

One of the most important migratory routes in North America is the Mississippi Flyway, which follows the course of the mighty Mississippi River from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. If you’re a bird lover, you’ll be thrilled to know that Memphis is a key stopover along this route and home t...

Protecting the Pacific Flyway

The Flyway spans over 4,000 miles, and forms one of four major migratory routes in North America. Due to its length, birds need stopover points to fuel up and to rest, which means key habitats like wetlands and lakes along the way need to be protected. The Salton Sea is an attractive rest stop fo...