Tag: Fluent

Transforming UseCase: Embracing Fluent and Functional Approach

There are many people who have shared their own versions of use case implementations, each considering it either an improvement or the right way to create a use case in Android. These are excellent articles with valuable insights, and I highly recommend reading them to understand different perspe...

How To Speak Fluent English (In a Passive Way)

As a person whose first language is not English, It was very hard for me to think and speak in English. Back in my school days, I spoke butler English and I paused in between and lacked confidence in the way I spoke. And I was bullied for my English too. I was also scared to take a spoken English cl...

I tried to become Fluent in French in 1 month— Here’s what happened

I’ve always been interested in learning a new language — starting from the very first ‘Hello’ to the point of fluency. Language learning gives you the ability to communicate in a whole new set of ways, understand a completely different culture and for me to not rely on subtit...

Can You Really Get Fluent in German Just with Apps?

So, you’re dreaming of chatting away in German, and you’re wondering if apps alone can get you there, right? I’ve been down that road, armed with nothing but my phone and a bunch of apps, hoping to become fluent without stepping into a classroom. Let me spill the beans on what I fo...

Can I Become Fluent in German Using Only Apps?

When I started my German learning journey, the convenience of apps was undeniable. I was drawn in by the promises of turning idle time into productive learning sessions, all from my smartphone. Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and yes, the innovative Metkagram, became my daily companions. Metkagram, with...

The Principles I Used To Get Fluent Spanish In Two Years

I’ve been speaking Spanish for about four years, and I got fluent in about two. People often compliment me on how well I speak, and they tend to think it’s crazy that an Australian sounds so Colombian. Believe me when I say that I’m not trying to brag but to encourage you. You real...