Tag: Flowing

Flowing Towards Your Depths: New Moon in Sagittarius | Pūrvāṣāḍhā Nakshatra | January 2024

On January 11th, 2024, at 11:57 am GMT, the New Moon occurs in Sagittarius within the nakshatra of Pūrvāṣāḍhā. In the previous moon cycles, we navigated the release of emotions and the shedding of the past. Now, under the optimistic and purpose-driven influence of Sagittarius, it’s ...

Please think once

Money is a flowing energy, if you block it so it will bring block for you. If someone show his or her trust in you so please don’t break it & return their money on time. Love is the best emotion in this world but never dedicate your life for it. You are most important than anything. ...