Tag: Fish

Fish Wednesdays and summer in October

For as long as I’ve lived in San Francisco, I’ve been a member of the Sea Forager CFS (Community Supported Fisheries) program. It’s like a CSA, but for fish instead of vegetables; locally sourced, sustainably and responsibly caught fish. I love the fish, but mostly I d...

What is a fish rescue?

Every year, millions of tonnes of water are diverted from rivers in southern Alberta into irrigation canals, which provide water for Alberta’s vast agricultural fields. At the start of the irrigation season, the headgates to the canals are opened, and water from the river rushes in to fill the...

Making a difference — one fish at a time

Jim Kujala says he has time on his hands (and possibly some fish slime), when asked why he devotes a significant amount of time volunteering for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). “Jim always shows up when we call,” said WDFW District 2 Fish Biologist Randy Osborne...

On Becoming a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Pilot

Indeed, Nate had structure aplenty in the Navy: he ended up on fast attack submarines, duty he describes as high stress, arduous and rigorously regimented. “I think the hardest part is that you’re living in an artificial environment, sometimes for 90 days at a stretch,” he says....

Introduction to Machine Learning for Beginners: Journey to Babel Fish Level 0

Introduction Ever wondered about the mythical Babel fish from “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams? It’s not just a quirky sci-fi concept; it’s an idea that sparks the imagination. In the movie, Babel fish acts as a universal translator, allowing being...