Tag: fights

AI fights the Law, and might win

This requirement for direct harm has put a wrench in the gears of anti-tech legislation and executive action for years. Facebook was sued in 2018 in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal during the 2016 election, but was found to have not misled consumers, just hosted the p...

The City of Hamburg fights Traffic Congestion with the help of DPS Alumni

The »Roadlytics« project deals with traffic congestion caused by logistics vehicles in Hamburg’s city center. The goal is to collect geo-referenced data for loading and delivery traffic using so-called IoT sensors. This data is used to generate learnings on how to avoid those conge...

Foam Throwing, Egg Fights, And Naked Dancing On The Streets

As we all know (or not), the Carnival is a celebration of excess and abundance before entering into the period of Lent, which is the time of fasting and reflection in the Christian religion. Nothing says ‘penance for sins’ better than drinking until you become one with the pavement, righ...