Tag: Fibonacci

Detecting Market Reversals With The Fibonacci Timing Pattern

Timing is important in trading but it is not crucial. However, being able to have a timing tool that gives you that extra confidence boost to take the trade is never a bad thing. There are a lot of things to understand with timing patterns and probably the most important are their weaknesses which w...

Fibonacci Spiral Spiritual Meaning: Purspose & Interpretations

According to Culture-Cross the Fibonacci spiral embodies profound symbolism and purpose. It represents the interconnectedness and harmony found in nature and the universe. This sacred geometrical pattern signifies growth, evolution, balance, and the divine order. It reflects the inherent b...

A Fibonacci Sum.

The Fibonacci sequence is arguably one of the most known sequences in the world, as well as most studied. To the unfamiliar, it is the sequence whose elements are the sum of the previous two. We can denote this by writing F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2) where F_0 = 0, F_1 = 1 and so on. Now the question is,...

Shoe Concept 001: the Fibonacci Sneaker

Few patterns have captivated the imagination and utility across disciplines as the Fibonacci sequence. Named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci, who introduced this sequence to the Western world through his 1202 work, “Liber Abaci,” this series of number...