Tag: feeling

Instead of making a drastic change when you are not feeling it, do this…

It’s easy to feel bored with life and say something like: ‘I need a big change.’ ‘I should go travel for 9 months to find myself.’ ‘I should just buy a van and live out of it with my pet chihuahua.’ These are all exciting ideas. They pump the ...

She’s So Ugly My Lifelong Battle with Feeling Unpretty

The air in the dimly lit living room was filled with the warmth of laughter. The sound of my daddy’s hearty chuckles mingled with the sweet, innocent giggles of my younger siblings. They huddled around him like fireflies drawn to a warm summer night, their eyes wide with wonder as he spun tale...

How Two Boring Sentences Helped Me Stop Feeling Lost

The lady across from me looked up from the forms in her hand and peeked over the half-moon glasses that throned on her pointy nose. I stared at her like a deer caught in headlights, petrified. After an awkward silence, she allowed herself to proceed. “You seem a little…” Oh ...

When Feeling Low, Stop Thinking. Instead DO Things

It’s actually a cycle. You don’t feel good. So you don’t do anything. You keep thinking. So you feel worse. And when this goes down, you overthink like nothing. The best antidote to overthinking is ACTION. I kid you not. When you feel low, just a small step is all you n...

Are Your ‘Friends’ Bringing You Down? How to Detoxify Your Social Circle and Start Feeling the Good Vibes

We all have that “friend.” You know, the kind that leaves you feeling drained and deflated every time you talk. The one who never seems happy for your success, or who always needs to one-up your struggles with their own. The perpetual victim, the constant complainer, the fair-we...

“Feeling Stuck Is Something Many of Us Have Experienced”

Shana, when looking at business books from the last years, there’s a trend in many books suggesting to their readers that they can and should find their dream job and achieve fulfillment if they only “Start with Why,” for example. There are hundreds of other “strategies&rdquo...

Camping in Idyllwild and The Significance of Feeling Insignificant

We left at 8am on the dot. Kirsten, my West Coast Bestie, made a concerted effort to be on time, knowing my love language is arriving early. And I, knowing Kirsten to be perpetually fashionably late, took my time and was rushed when she arrived. We had a laugh about that, hopped in my Subaru, and hi...

Camping in Idyllwild and The Significance of Feeling Insignificant

We left at 8am on the dot. Kirsten, my West Coast Bestie, made a concerted effort to be on time, knowing my love language is arriving early. And I, knowing Kirsten to be perpetually fashionably late, took my time and was rushed when she arrived. We had a laugh about that, hopped in my Subaru, and hi...

7 Disturbing Ways People Met Their Fate That Could Leave You Feeling Nauseous

Throughout history, humanity has devised horrifying and gruesome ways to end lives, leaving behind tales that both fascinate and repulse. From ancient civilizations to modern times, the depths of human depravity have been revealed in shocking detail. Join us as we explore seven chilling accoun...

I Grew Up Feeling Ashamed of My Body

As a mother to my 3-year-old daughter, I have started reflecting lately on the traumas of my past. I am determined to shield her from the shame and bullying I suffered quietly. Body shaming is, unfortunately, a haunting reality that many of us confront daily. The neverending whi...