Tag: Feathers

Collecting Feathers — The Legal Way

Collecting feathers is, for many, a fun pastime we’ve held onto since childhood. A bright bluejay feather or elegant woodpecker primary makes an interesting ornament that catches the eye. But unfortunately, what many aren’t aware of is that it isn’t that simple. Simply taking home ...

Feathers in Florida

I took this photo from my client’s home office, a space originally meant for a formal living room. My desk faced a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. I looked up from my work as two Sandhill Cranes sauntered past. This photo is bittersweet. My client’s home was in a golf course communi...

Thoughts On Gossip And Feathers In The Wind

So, here I’ll write about something where I won’t pretend that I meet my own ideal, because I definitely don’t. But I will write about it, because the point of ideals is to have perfect targets to aim at. And the topic — gossip. I’ve never felt great about gossip. Th...