Tag: feather

Birds of a feather, sticking together

I would not say I’m a regular birder, but I do enjoy watching the occasional avian friend — especially at this time of year. I live in an area of the country blessed with a number of fowl neighbors, many of which are just now making their return home from winter habitats. Some...

Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board: The Spooky Science And Odd Origins of Your Favorite Sleepover Games

I never wanted to meet Mary. Sure, I had heard about her. We all heard about her. My teenage friends called her “Bloody Mary,” “Mary Worth,” or “The Witch Mary.” She passed through mirrors on mischievous nights when girlish giggles and flickering red candles te...

Birds of a Feather: How the Audubon Society and Vegetarians Shaped the History of Millinery

Hats were an essential accessory for women in the 19th and early 20th century. While hats were used as sun protection, they were also an important part of social etiquette. A woman going outside with an uncovered head in 19th and early 20th century Western culture was considered ...