Tag: Fathers

Birth Certificates in Dubai for Unknown Fathers

Babies, who are born to unknown fathers, in Dubai, may be given a name chosen by the Court. And not the name, chosen by the mother, and indicated in the Birth Notification, which is issued at the hospital. The practice of the Court naming the child is based on the Dubai Personal Status Guide. ...

5 Lessons I Learned From My Millionaire Father

You are the 5 people you surround yourself with. Following this philosophy, if you want to become a millionaire, you want to surround yourself with millionaires. Then one day it struck me, I AM surrounded with one, my father. My father is a self-made millionaire. He grew up poo...

How Encouraging Little Boys To Play With Dolls Will Set Them Up To Be Good Fathers

He has no more free choice over what toys he plays with than a volunteer in mentalist and illusionist Derren Brown's performance. His culture and society at large hypnotise him. Equality appears to have come on leaps and bounds, not discounting the enormous reverse step of abortion ...

In the Snow I Hear My Father’s Love

My father would stay home from work when the first snow of the year landed. He would allow us to miss school. The night before, he would watch the furious sky. A curious orange glow lit the sky. He watched like a fascinated child. He would take notes, and his eyes would glow like the sky. I used ...

This is Not Your Father’s Patriotism

As a kid, I was taught that it was important to be patriotic. No one ever explained to me what that really meant, but from casual observation, I assumed it meant that I should stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and be proud of my country. It seemed simple enough. At school, I faithfully stood for...

My Biracial Father’s Family Secrets, Decoded at Last

My father was his family’s gatekeeper. Born in Shanghai in 1912, the eldest of his biracial siblings, he was raised to straddle East and West. He kept the peace between his Chinese father and American mother. And as the one member of his family who corresponded with those he’d left behin...

Donald Trump’s Deep White Supremacist Roots: From His Father’s Klan Membership to the Klan Supporting His Presidency

Fred Trump passed his beliefs, and his business, on to his son Donald. In 1973, the US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit accusing the Trump Organization of racial discrimination. Donald Trump refused to admit any wrongdoing but eventually settled the case, promising to open his apartme...

Two Fathers One Egg

While we might assume a priori that a child of two same-sex parents would be considered as much a person as anyone else, Hoffman cautions against such assumptions: “While it may be ethically convenient to adhere to a single notion of personhood, and certainly makes ethical analysis s...

Father’s Devastating Loss Inspires Movement to Save Teenagers from Deadly Opioid Overdose

May 2022 marked the first time Ed Ternan, the East Bay San Francisco resident, became familiar with fentanyl after his 19-year-old musically inclined son Charlie succumbed to the fatal opioid. The demise of his vibrant son left Ed and his loved ones devastated. Rather than despair, Ed has dedicated ...

Honouring Your Father’s Legacy

Growing up, the stories of his life told echoed inside my mind, reverberating for years after. During his time, my Father made a name for himself as a widely respected journalist, was captured as a prisoner of war and imprisoned for numerous years, embarked upon travel over thousands of miles betwee...

Its Never Quite — “Just Right”

Her virtue or your virtue?—A question that has left her nowhere but in a state of despair. For it was never really hers to where; in truth it should have been on your father’s waste—for that self-control he could not handle, nor could not bear. No Wonder She Has No Identity F...