Tag: FastAPI

Configuring Okta Authentication in FastAPI

Here we are to continue our series of Okta authentication, in which we first learn about okta like how to use okta dashboard for authentication process then we use our okta domain and okta client id in react application to implement authentication on Frontend. Our can found previous articles below i...

Scalable Real-Time Apps with Python and Redis: Exploring AsyncIO, FastAPI, and Pub/Sub

I have recently started working on a side project, a real-time mobile board game with Unity, and I decided to use Python as the server’s programming language. In recent years, Python has introduced mature async I/O frameworks, such as AsyncIO and AnyIO. And web frameworks such as FastAPI are u...

Create a FastAPI + Langchain Project in 5 Easy Steps: A Step-by-Step Guide

At the end of these steps you will obtain a FastAPI + Langchain project with which you can add the functionalities you want, It will include an agent that has various tools available, all this without writing a line of code, since it will be generated by a FastAPI template script! This project uses&...

Document-Oriented Agents: A Journey with Vector Databases, LLMs, Langchain, FastAPI, and Docker

Introduction Document-oriented agents are starting to get traction in the business landscape. Companies increasingly leverage these tools to capitalize on internal documentation, enhancing their business processes. A recent McKinsey report [1] underscores this trend, suggesting generative AI coul...

Document-Oriented Agents: A Journey with Vector Databases, LLMs, Langchain, FastAPI, and Docker

Document-oriented agents are starting to get traction in the business landscape. Companies increasingly leverage these tools to capitalize on internal documentation, enhancing their business processes. A recent McKinsey report [1] underscores this trend, suggesting generative AI could boost the glob...

Deploy FastAPI to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Zero to Hero)

This guide will go over how to deploy a FastAPI app, add a `postgres` database, and attach a SSL certificate (assuming you have purchased a custom domain). Prerequisites This tutorial will be using pipx to install the Elastic Beanstalk CLI. Follow the instructions here&nbsp...

Deploy FastAPI to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Zero to Hero)

This guide will go over how to deploy a FastAPI app, add a `postgres` database, and attach a SSL certificate (assuming you have purchased a custom domain). Prerequisites This tutorial will be using pipx to install the Elastic Beanstalk CLI. Follow the instructions here&nbsp...

Containerizing FastAPI App with Docker: A Comprehensive Guide

Containerization has revolutionized the way applications are developed, deployed, and scaled in the modern era of software development. It offers numerous benefits such as improved portability, scalability, and resource efficiency. At the forefront of containerization technology stands Docker, a pow...

Structuring a FastAPI App: An In-Depth Guide

FastAPI is a powerful and high-performance Python web framework designed for building APIs quickly and efficiently. It leverages modern Python features such as type annotations and async/await syntax to provide a seamless development experience. FastAPI offers incredible speed and scalability, makin...

FastAPI with PostgreSQL Part 1

We continue with the FastAPI Series and this time we are going to connect our application to a PostgreSQL Database, we are also going to do a couple of tests with Pytest, all this on Docker to have the necessary infrastructure, so, in short, we will see: API ...

Sepsis Prediction API with FASTAPI and Docker

An API (Application Programming Interface) serves as a bridge or intermediary that allows different software systems or components to communicate and interact with each other. Just like a physical bridge connects two separate locations, an API enables data and functionality to flow between different...

Install FastAPI and run your first FastAPI server on Windows

What is FastAPI? Released in 2018, FastAPI is a Python web framework for building RESTful APIs. It quickly gained popularity due to its ease of use, speed and robustness. FastAPI uses Pydantic to define custom data types or extend validation with methods and all...